Polen Ekoloji Enstitüsü

Ecology Institute

Polen Ecology Institute is a component of Polen Ecology Collective, which has been active since 2019 under the slogan “For a Marxist ecological movement”. It aims to contribute to the strengthening and socialization of the ecological movement through its work.

The Institute aims to overcome the basic problems of the ecological struggle, such as the singular case-oriented approach, localism, and the separation of activism and academia, in order to bring the lack of strategy and program to the agenda, to produce knowledge and policy on the lack of socialization and politicization of problems, and to feed the channels of organization and action. The Institute sets out to act on a clear basis of system change in the face of ideologies and policies–unfortunately common in the ecological movement–that are indifferent to capitalism.

Ecological destruction is not only a compounding factor in the growth of social inequality on the basis of class, identity, and nation. This destruction caused by capitalist production has reached dimensions that threaten life on earth as such. Polen Ecology Institute takes it as its duty to raise the level of consciousness about this multidimensionality of ecological destruction and to develop the organizations of workers and the oppressed by addressing these dimensions as well. It seeks the unity of science, policy, organization, and action, and aims to overcome traditional dichotomies which serve as obstacles thereto (such as social science – natural science, knowing – acting).

Polen Ecology Institute aims to disseminate the concepts and policy frameworks necessary for the workers and oppressed to produce their own ecological agenda against concepts such as the Green New Order, just transition, climate justice, etc., which are put forward by the capitalists in order to maintain their domination and to hold back the oppressed and exploited masses from threatening establishment policy goals. In addition, Polen is organizing workshops on the basic concepts of Marxist thought, materialism, imperialism, etc. to reach different segments of the society. The Institute’s Advisory Board, consisting of many prominent academics, writers and activists from Turkey and abroad, aims to train a new generation of organized ecologists for the ecology movement.

The Institute creates a volunteer working environment for the preparation of informational leaflets, evaluation of EIA files of environmental destructive projects, and the provision of press and legal support for activists. With the concept of laborology, the Institute aims to deepen the new process of discussion on the theoretical and political framework of the laborers’ struggle for ecology. One of the medium-term goals of the Institute is to transform the work carried out within the Institute and with its support into a semi-academic publication. On the other hand, with the launch of the Institute, a new breakthrough is planned in the Polen Ecology Library, which includes translations of basic Marxist ecology books and copyrighted works. The Institute establishes strong ties with local and international environmentalist organizations, as well as with scientists and graduate students who focus on Marxism and ecology within the academy.

In order to enlarge the struggle in every field where we can marshal forces, where our hands can reach, where our voices can be heard…

To say “we are here” in the face of the social and ecological destruction imposed by capitalism…

For the liberation of humanity and non-human nature.

For a Marxist ecological movement…